Trip to Egger

Recently, two members of our team ventured up to the north of England (t’north) to visit the Egger (UK) facility in Hexham.

It was a joint visit kindly arranged by our supplier Premier Forest along with Egger UK.

Egger provide a multitude of products to the UK market along with the Protect and 9mm OSB3 boards that we work with.

The visit included a presentation on the processes they undertake to provide a sustainable and quality product to the construction industry. It was interesting to learn how much they re-invest into the company each and every year, to increase the quality of their products.

Harmony Timber Solutions - Egger - Decking - UK

We were intrigued to learn of the recycling undertaken to re-use the waste in their production process. So much so they have a division which is set up to collect and re-use recyclable waste. Accompanied with this was the tree planting they undertake to provide the industry with a sustainable source for many years to come.

Harmony Timber Solutions - Egger - Environmental cycle

During the production tour the team witnessed each process of the board manufacture. From the wood chip size reductions, through the production line where the boards are compressed to the finished depth with the top finish applied, to the finished boards being loaded onto the vehicles for delivery.

To witness how much work, research and investment goes into the floor decking and wall sheathing, we can sometimes take for granted, really opened our eyes to the importance of these materials.

Harmony Timber Solutions - Egger - Decking

See below some information on Egger Group and their mission:

• Family company with around 9,600 employees in 19 plants worldwide.

• Worldwide marketing of around 8.8 million m3 (310 million cubic feet) of boards, including timber.

• Emphasis on sustainable forestry and ecological production methods.

• Permanent investments in facilities and production processes, with a strong focus on sustainability.

• The development of innovative products drives growth.

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